by dave petraglia | Sep 21, 2016 | CULTURE, TECHNOLOGY |
(From the Dr. Seuss Tesla Model S Owner’s Guide – Rear Facing Child Seats – first published in Razed – September 21, 2016) USAGE RESTRICTIONS Facing rear is facing best In child seats, in Model S The best is back and facing rear The front’s behind,...
by dave petraglia | Aug 10, 2016 | TECHNOLOGY |
(First published in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency – August 10, 2016) Moonshiney House The bright copper exterior of this house hints at its function as an alcohol-producing pressure vessel. The light of the moon is all you’ll need to operate the system,...
by dave petraglia | Mar 7, 2015 | TECHNOLOGY |
(First published in NewPopLit – March 7, 2015) Goomba travels the dance floors of Italian weddings, accepting gift checks through a slot on top. Notes the guest’s name and the number of zeroes in the amount. Then, somebody could either have a good time or get...
by dave petraglia | Jul 23, 2014 | TECHNOLOGY, TELEVISION |
(Originally published in theNewerYork – July 2014) Bake A Bone, the countertop appliance that bakes homemade, all-natural dog treats at home, as seen on TV. Recipes for these treats are organic and gluten free, and include such runaway hit flavors as Cheesy,...
by dave petraglia | Jun 7, 2014 | ARTS & LEISURE, CULTURE, TECHNOLOGY |
(Originally published in theNewerYork, May 6, 2014) The Da Vinci Code. Hit book and movie series. But there’s also a little-known repository of the master’s documents that have eluded public scrutiny. Until now. And it took the recent discovery of an...
by dave petraglia | Apr 5, 2014 | TECHNOLOGY |
(First Published in Thought Catalog, March 5, 2014) Listen to that call sign jingle from WABC Radio New York on a late July afternoon. Close your eyes and take a breath of the hot sand wafting Coppertone and the sweat of Sabretts, Lucky Strikes and flat, warm RC...