Seuss Seats

Seuss Seats

(From the Dr. Seuss Tesla Model S Owner’s Guide – Rear Facing Child Seats – first published in Razed – September 21, 2016) USAGE RESTRICTIONS Facing rear is facing best In child seats, in Model S The best is back and facing rear The front’s behind,...
The Cuban as Food

The Cuban as Food

(First Published in Gambling the Aisle – Issue 10 – August 2016) Our little legs stuck to the red vinyl of Mr. Juan’s dinette on those steamy afternoons. He kept his table radio on 1110, Woody Garcia officiating the daily battle of Salsa, Jazz and...
Secret Valley Birds

Secret Valley Birds

(First published in Per Contra – Issue 40 – Summer 2016) “The hill will break your neck, Claire Roux,” Mssr. Fabre would say. Aside the road the last apples clung to thinning canopies, dark ghosts sapped by the season’s first frosts. The air was a crisp...
Take Me to the Pilates

Take Me to the Pilates

(First published in matchbook literary magazine – May 23, 2016) My 61st great-grandpa, Pontius, the Sixth Governor and Procurator of Judea, pronounced Christ’s death sentence and went home to eat grilled sardines and wine with his wife, my 61st...
The New Activist

The New Activist

(First published in Gravel Magazine – May 2016) There are ‘Hacktivists’, who use computers and networks subversively to advance political agendas. And ‘Slacktivists’: Hacktivist wannabes who just go for feel-good measures in support of social causes. And it...
Solo Sapiens

Solo Sapiens

(First published in North American Review – April 4, 2016) I’m Denny Pell, and that was the year I changed my last name to Dorito. Legally. Because I could. I was a newly-minted lawyer then. And I liked the word. I liked filing the papers. While I’ve always...