Seuss Seats

Seuss Seats

(From the Dr. Seuss Tesla Model S Owner’s Guide – Rear Facing Child Seats – first published in Razed – September 21, 2016) USAGE RESTRICTIONS Facing rear is facing best In child seats, in Model S The best is back and facing rear The front’s behind,...
Other Types of Tiny Houses

Other Types of Tiny Houses

(First published in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency – August 10, 2016) Moonshiney House The bright copper exterior of this house hints at its function as an alcohol-producing pressure vessel. The light of the moon is all you’ll need to operate the system,...
The Roomba Variants

The Roomba Variants

(First published in NewPopLit – March 7, 2015) Goomba travels the dance floors of Italian weddings, accepting gift checks through a slot on top. Notes the guest’s name and the number of zeroes in the amount. Then, somebody could either have a good time or get...
Bake A Bone

Bake A Bone

(Originally published in theNewerYork –  July 2014) Bake A Bone, the countertop appliance that bakes homemade, all-natural dog treats at home, as seen on TV. Recipes for these treats are organic and gluten free, and include such runaway hit flavors as Cheesy,...
Radio Daze

Radio Daze

(First Published in Thought Catalog, March 5, 2014) Listen to that call sign jingle from WABC Radio New York on a late July afternoon.  Close your eyes and take a breath of the hot sand wafting Coppertone and the sweat of Sabretts, Lucky Strikes and flat, warm RC...