by dave petraglia | Jun 30, 2017 | SPACE |
(First published in Points in Case – June 27,2017) Do we really want to do this? Make contact? Say we do and the ET’s have accepted our invitation. Unfortunately, two-hundred and six arrive at once. They’re the size of blue whales, strip our electrical...
by dave petraglia | Dec 3, 2016 | EVOLUTION, SPACE |
(“6 Planets Life on Earth Came From”, originally published in Points in Case – December 2, 2016) It’s now accepted that the building blocks of DNA and RNA arrived here via meteorites and comets. These are the origins of some of some familiar things...
by dave petraglia | Jul 30, 2013 | SPACE |
ISON, party on. Since time began, mankind has sought to explain the events of the cosmos. Comets were feared at first as evidence of an evil animus, then gained acceptance as one of the more benign interventions of extraterrestrial bodies as humans stitched these...
by dave petraglia | Dec 15, 2013 | SPACE |
[ Published in the Summer 2013 Dark Matter Journal] Cars on Mars. Traffic jams. Off-Road Rage. Fender Benders. Pileups on the Interquad. Chop Shops! Were we asleep at the wheel of these driverless buggies? How, and when, did it get to this? Seems like it was...